Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Happy Birthday Jenny!

As soon as there isn't a strike, your prezzies and card will be winging their way to you. Until then, here's a picture to say we haven't forgotten you. Will add this on facebook too!

Happy Birthday Jen, from Simon & Nadia - See you in a couple of weeks?
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TheChicken said...

Thank you very much! I think it's very mean of the posties to steal all my presents from me!

We'll be coming up at half term as planned. Have you got guests, or could we stay with you? We're coming up on the thursday and staying until sunday. We'll treat you to some dinner or something to say thank you!!

Jen xxx ( not the Chicken, he stole my identity some time ago).

Leiali said...

Hello Chicken, hope you are well beside the sea side, beside the sea!
Now, about halloween weekend:
We could have you Thursday and Friday but Simon's parents are coming up that weekend, so I'm afraid Saturday is out. We will be coming to the party though! Sorry, I thought we mentioned it when we came up as we knew they were coming up for Simon's birthday on the Monday.
Anyway, let me know if that is any help for your plans. Hannah is thinking of coming up too isn't she?

Hope you had a lovely birthday!!!

TheChicken said...

Thank you. We did think that Simon's parents were staying, but we weren't sure exactly when. So, if it's okay with you we will stay at yours for the Thurs (beer festival) and friday nights.
Reckon we'll try to ask Mike and Rachel of we can stay with them on the Saturday.

Jimmy did say that he wanted to go to the beer festival, so I think that they might be coming up. But I'm not sure.

Had a very nice bday thank you.


Tarn said...

Happy birthday to CHICKEN
Happy birthday to CHICKEN
Happy biiiirthday to CHICKEN
Happy birthday to CHICKEN

And Jen.